I AM NOT MY BODY # 2 | Milkmaid
Voor Nederlands KLIK HIER

The contours of the Milkmaid's body are etched in our collective memory. That is why I have used the same contours for the naked body, which probably makes the girl a little fuller in this new version than the original.
In this version, the famous Vermeer girl is freed from her tightly laced corset. I thought it was only natural that a milkmaid should have round breasts. I have given her the body of a real woman. Not a so-called 'perfect' model as the magazines often portray us. We look at her everyday actions in an intimate way, but in her pure nudity she seems to radiate even more peace, because you see no prudishness, no shame or exaggerated sexuality.
The colour of her body has had the necessary consideration. Would she be snow white? Or a little tanned because she too may have been in the sun sometimes? To make her tanned face fit in nicely with her body, I have given her chest a hint of pink.
The first thing that stands out in this series of six works is that the people in these world-famous paintings, such as Vermeer's Milkmaid, are naked. Because these iconic personalities are naked, they are partly stripped of their personality and you suddenly see 'ordinary' people of flesh and blood. Nevertheless, the title tells a different message about the body.The title is therefore the starting point for creating these works, and is essential for the message:
I am not my personality
I am not my body
I am Spirit
With this work I am telling you that you are not a body. You are the observer of the body. You are not a 'little I' that dies after one minute or 100 years as a bag of skin and bones. You are infinite consciousness that experiences through the temporary 'vehicle' that is our body.
By identifying with our body and our personality, we deny our true Self. With this expansion of consciousness I want to give with this work the invitation to allow a greater area of possibilities and probability than is visible.
With great patience and precision I created this series on the computer in Photoshop. I did this by building up dozens of layers on top of each other. So it is digital craftsmanship at pixel level. The prints with high-quality inks are printed on special paper and look like artisanal oil paintings. When you look at these naked masterpieces, the original paintings will evoke a completely different emotion afterwards.
With great patience and precision I created this series on the computer in Photoshop. I did this by building up dozens of layers on top of each other. So it is digital craftsmanship at pixel level. The prints with high-quality inks are printed on special paper and look like artisanal oil paintings. When you look at these naked masterpieces, the original paintings will evoke a completely different emotion afterwards.